Thursday, March 3, 2011

Everything has gone to waste

Cassio-If you could take back the night you lost your career,what would you change? How do you now plan on approaching the general's wife to clear your name and get your job back?

"Reputation,reputation,reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial. My reputation, Iago my reputation!(pg.99 lines 281-284) If I could take back that night, I would have never drunk with Iago. Iago and I could have went out to eat or do something where no harm would be done.My drinking problems got me to the place I am today, jobless. If I never got drunk, I would have never fought Roderigo and Montano. I've now learned my lesson about not letting people control and tell you what to do, kind of what Iago did here in this situation. I now must beg Desdemona to help me get my job back. Hopefully she'll help me, I really need my job. I might have to approach Desdemona by continuously ask her if she asked Othello about my job. My approach might seem desperate, but I really don't care about that now because I need to start working again.My job means the world to me, and now that I've lost it i'm just so torn apart. I still can't get over why Iago wanted me to get drunk. That night he was just so pushy and really wanted to go out, and I wonder what this man is going to plan next.  But this time for sure I'm going to be very careful around Iago and check the environment around me. My mind needs to wake up and might right decisions if I really want my job back...

Where everything went downhill...

    All:Describe the events that unfolded in Act II,Scene 3 from your perspective.Who is to blame in the matter,and why?     

  In act II, scene 3 Iago offers me to go out with him and have some drinks.I insisted that I must not go to the bar do to the fact I have a very weak stomach for liquor."I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking"(pg.88 lines 34-35)After Iago got me all drunken up, from there on everything was a blur and I could not remember what I did, let alone control my actions.I first fought with Roderigo then Montano.Othello later hears about this fight and strips me from my lieutenancy, and I mean I'm so shocked! I didn't even remember what I had done to deserve the punishment of losing my job, until afterwards when I was told what had happened that night.Now that I have lost my job, Iago keeps telling me to seek for Desdemona's help.I really have to beg Desdemona into persuading Othello to get my job back.I think my plan to get my job back is perhaps begging Desdemona about asking Othello.I got no other choice.Othello now thinks I'm just some guy that likes to get drunk and fight with people.But,I'm really not and I need to prove it to Othello.
        I think this whole situation is Iago's fault.If he was really my friend and he knew I had a bad stomach for liquor he could have taken me some place else.He forced me to get drunk, and I mean it's a bit of my fault there but I needed a friend to stop me from drinking.I don't know what Iago is trying to do,but all I know is that this whole situation was Iago's fault.I lost my job because of him,and now I have to beg Desdemona to persuade Othello to give me my job back.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Promotion Troubles

Cassio – Explain what skills you possess that made you a logical choice for promotion.  Do you feel you were the right person for the job, or was there someone else who should have had it?  Defend your answer.
I think the skills that really got me the promotion were me being overall experienced in this position, I mean I've been in the military for a while now and it was time for me to receive a promotion of some sort.Maybe the friendship Othello and I have might of been a factor for him to promote me.I know i'm capable enough for this position but i mean there are others that are greater for it.I think I'm the right person for the job,I bring a lot to the table and I have so many ideas for this to all work out great.But, on the other side I feel a bit guilty because what if the strong friendship Othello and I have was the main factor of me getting the promotion.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The war shall now begin

Describe and elaborate on your history with and/or feelings toward Othello.  If you are Othello, then you are to describe and elaborate on your past – where you came from, and what values you hold true to. 
I really look up to Othello, he has been my friend for quite a while. 
He recently ranked me up to a lieutenant, showing that he really 
thought I was responsible enough to take the job. I was so pleased to 
take this position for I was very proud of myself. He’s a really nice 
guy actually, we get along quite well. Othello and I have a great 
relationship as friends. He’s a great guy. I truly admire my general, 
Othello. As though I’d love to be in his position one day. But, of 
course that would be about another couple of years until I get to that 
position in life.The overall story here is that Othello really is fond
of me as I am of him.